Occasional Victories

Life as a refugee support volunteer with it's occasional victories and frequent defeats.

Occasional Victories is a place for links, news, rants and raves about Refugee related issues.

If you would like to contribute just drop me an email at carigeen(a)yahoo.com

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Fields of gold...

This job is always difficult and fustrating. Sometimes, in dark moments, I think that it's impossible.

Then, there are those rare and wonderful days when 'we walk in fields of gold'.
Sunday was one of them.

D and her two teenage daughters are Moslems from Xinjang province in Western China. We had helped them get their status this year. They invited S and me to a postponed Eid party in their new house in Dublin.

I think we met the entire Uighur community in Ireland, three families. We ate strange and wonderful food, drank tea and apple juice, talked and laughed in a mixture of languages for hours.

This is the new Ireland. It's a privilige and an honour to be able to build it.